IBM Books

Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Document Number GC30-9690-00

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First Edition (October 1999)

This manual applies to all IBM network devices that use the OPCON command line interface.

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Table of Contents



About This Manual

APPN Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

APPN Loopback Interface Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

ASRT Bridge Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

ATM and Virtual ATM Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Authentication (AAA) Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

BAN Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Bandwidth Reservation Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

BGP4 Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

BGP6 Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

BSC Relay Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

DHCP Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Dial Circuits Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Dial-Out Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

DIALs Server Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Differentiated Services Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

DLSw Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

DVMRP Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Dynamic Protocol Filtering (VLANS) Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Encoding Subsystem Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

ESCON Channel Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Ethernet Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Frame Relay Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Host On-Demand Client Cache Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

IP Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

IP Security Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

IPv6 Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

IPX Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

ISDN Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

L2 Tunneling Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

LAG Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

LAN Emulation Server Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

LAN Network Manager Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

LCS Virtual Channel Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

LEC Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

LSA Virtual Channel Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

MAC Filtering Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

MPC Virtual Channel Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

MPC Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

MPS Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Multicast Forwarding Cache Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Multicast Forwarding Cache V6 Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

NAT Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

NDP6 Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

NetBIOS Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Network Dispatcher Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

OSPF Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

PCA Channel Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

PIM Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

PIM for IPv6 Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Point-to-Point Protocol Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Policy Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

QOS Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

RIP Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

RIP6 Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

RMON Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

SDLC Relay Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

SNMP Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

SuperELAN Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

TCP/IP Host Services (HST) Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Token-Ring Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

TSF Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

V.34 Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Voice Feature Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Voice Interfaces Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

WAN Restoral and WAN Reroute Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Web Server Cache Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

X.25 Network Interface Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

X.25 (XTP) Network Interface Dynamic Reconfiguration Support


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About This Manual

This manual explains which commands of the OPCON command line interface can be dynamically reconfigured. Dynamic reconfiguration is the process by which commands take effect in the device. For example, a command can become active as soon as it is entered using Talk 5 or Talk 6, when the Talk 5 reset command is entered, or upon restart or reload of the device. Check the software user's documentation provided with your product to determine whether it has the OPCON command line interface.

Who Should Read This Book

The intended user of this book is the provider of service and network operators.

How This Manual is Organized

This book is organized alphabetically by topic name.

APPN Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

APPN supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following considerations:

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

APPN supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

When an interface is activated, the ports and links in APPN SRAM for this interface are defined to the APPN node and activated.

All APPN interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

APPN supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

All APPN interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

APPN supports the following APPN-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Protocol Appn, Restart Command

This command restarts the APPN node.

Network Effect:
The APPN data flowing through this node will be disrupted. APPN is stopped and restarted.


The changes made to the APPN configuration ( Talk 6 ) will also be reflected.

All APPN commands are supported by the GWCON, protocol appn, restart command.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Activate Commands

APPN supports the following CONFIG (Talk 6) activate commands:

CONFIG, Protocol APPN, Activate_new_config Command (OR) CONFIG, Protocol APPN, TN3270E, Activate_new_config Command

This command activates any changes made to APPN config.

Network Effect:
If the change cannot be activated dynamically, APPN is restarted.


All APPN commands are supported by the CONFIG, protocol appn, activate_new_config (OR) CONFIG, protocol appn, tn3270e, activate_new_config command.

APPN Loopback Interface Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

APPN Loopback Interface supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

APPN Loopback Interface supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with no restrictions.

All APPN Loopback Interface interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

APPN Loopback Interface supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with no restrictions.

All APPN Loopback Interface interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

ASRT Bridge Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

ASRT Bridge supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

ASRT Bridge supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following considerations:

All ASRT Bridge interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

ASRT Bridge supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:

All ASRT Bridge interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Immediate Change Commands

ASRT Bridge supports the following CONFIG commands that immediately change the operational state of the device. These changes are saved and are preserved if the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute a dynamically reconfigurable command.
CONFIG, protocol asrt, enable dmac-addr
CONFIG, protocol asrt, enable dmac_load-balance
CONFIG, protocol asrt, disable dmac-addr
CONFIG, protocol asrt, disable dmac_load-balance

ATM and Virtual ATM Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

ATM and Virtual ATM supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

ATM and Virtual ATM supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

You cannot activate an ATM base net.

All ATM and Virtual ATM interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

ATM and Virtual ATM supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

You cannot reset an ATM base net.

All ATM and Virtual ATM interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

Authentication (AAA) Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

AAA does not support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

AAA does not support the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

AAA does not support the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Immediate Change Commands

AAA supports the following CONFIG commands that immediately change the operational state of the device. These changes are saved and are preserved if the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute a dynamically reconfigurable command.
CONFIG, add ppp-user
CONFIG, feature authentication, enable login-last-resort
CONFIG, feature authentication, disable login-last-resort
Note:Effective for the next login sequence.
CONFIG, feature authentication, enable tech-support-bypass
CONFIG, feature authentication, disable tech-support-bypass
Note:Effective for the next login sequence.
CONFIG, feature authentication, enable unauthent-accounting
CONFIG, feature authentication, disable unauthent-accounting

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

The following table describes the AAA configuration commands that cannot be dynamically changed. To activate these commands, you need to reload or restart the device.
CONFIG, feature authentication, server add
CONFIG, feature authentication, server change
CONFIG, feature authentication, server delete
CONFIG, feature authentication, enable ipsec-accounting
CONFIG, feature authentication, disable ipsec-accounting
CONFIG, feature authentication, ppp set
CONFIG, feature authentication, tunnel set
CONFIG, feature authentication, login set
CONFIG, feature authentication, set accounting options
CONFIG, feature authentication, password-rules enable
CONFIG, feature authentication, password-rules disable

BAN Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Boundary Access Node (BAN) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Boundary Access Node (BAN) supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

SRT bridging must be globally enabled before BAN can be activated for a bridge port (interface).

All Boundary Access Node (BAN) interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Boundary Access Node (BAN) supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

All Boundary Access Node (BAN) interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

All Boundary Access Node (BAN) configuration parameters can be changed dynamically.

Bandwidth Reservation Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Bandwidth Reservation supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Bandwidth Reservation supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with no restrictions.

All Bandwidth Reservation interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Bandwidth Reservation supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with no restrictions.

All Bandwidth Reservation interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Immediate Change Commands

Bandwidth Reservation supports the following CONFIG commands that immediately change the operational state of the device. These changes are saved and are preserved if the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute a dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, feature brs, activate-ip-precedence-filtering
GWCON, feature brs, deactivate-ip-precedence-filtering
GWCON, feature brs, enable-hpr-over-ip-port-numbers
GWCON, feature brs, disable-hpr-over-ip-port-numbers
GWCON, feature brs, interface, add-circuit-class
GWCON, feature brs, interface, assign-circuit
GWCON, feature brs, interface, change-circuit-class
GWCON, feature brs, interface, deassign-circuit
GWCON, feature brs, interface, default-circuit-class
GWCON, feature brs, interface, del-circuit-class
GWCON, feature brs, interface, disable
GWCON, feature brs, interface, enable
GWCON, feature brs, interface, queue-length
GWCON, feature brs, interface, add-class
Note:This command can also be used at the circuit level for Frame Relay interfaces.
GWCON, feature brs, interface, assign
Note:This command can also be used at the circuit level for Frame Relay interfaces.
GWCON, feature brs, interface, change-class
Note:This command can also be used at the circuit level for Frame Relay interfaces.
GWCON, feature brs, interface, create-super-class
Note:This command can also be used at the circuit level for Frame Relay interfaces.
GWCON, feature brs, interface, deassign
Note:This command can also be used at the circuit level for Frame Relay interfaces.
GWCON, feature brs, interface, default-class
Note:This command can also be used at the circuit level for Frame Relay interfaces.
GWCON, feature brs, interface, del-class
Note:This command can also be used at the circuit level for Frame Relay interfaces.
GWCON, feature brs, interface, disable
Note:This command can also be used at the circuit level for Frame Relay interfaces.
GWCON, feature brs, interface, enable
Note:This command can also be used at the circuit level for Frame Relay interfaces.
GWCON, feature brs, interface, tag
Note:This command can also be used at the circuit level for Frame Relay interfaces.
GWCON, feature brs, interface, untag
Note:This command can also be used at the circuit level for Frame Relay interfaces.

BGP4 Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Border Gateway Protocol Version 4 (BGP4) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following consideration:

Deletes configured BGP external neighbors if the neighbor address has a common net number with an IP address deleted on that interface. This means that the BGP peer relationship is formed using a deleted interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for BGP4. BGP has no SRAM records associated with an interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is not applicable for BGP4. BGP has no SRAM records associated with an interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

BGP4 supports the following BGP4-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Protocol BGP, Reset Neighbor Command

Adds or deletes a BGP neighbor. Changes neighbor parameters and policies.

Network Effect:
BGP neighbor connection and learned routes are updated based on configuration change.


The following table summarizes the BGP4 configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, protocol bgp, reset neighbor command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, protocol bgp, reset neighbor command
CONFIG, protocol BGP, add neighbor
CONFIG, protocol BGP, change neighbor
CONFIG, protocol BGP, delete neighbor
CONFIG, protocol BGP, attach policy-to-neighbor
CONFIG, protocol BGP, change policy-to-neighbor
CONFIG, protocol BGP, delete policy-to-neighbor
CONFIG, protocol BGP, add policy-list
CONFIG, protocol BGP, update policy-list

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

BGP4 supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, protocol BGP, enable neighbor
GWCON, protocol BGP, disable neighbor

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

The following table describes the BGP4 configuration commands that cannot be dynamically changed. To activate these commands, you need to reload or restart the device.
CONFIG, protocol BGP, enable/disable bgp
CONFIG, protocol BGP, add/delete no-receive
CONFIG, protocol BGP, add/change/delete/move aggregate
CONFIG, protocol BGP, add/change/delete/move originate-policy
CONFIG, protocol BGP, add/change/delete/move receive-policy
CONFIG, protocol BGP, add/change/delete/move send-policy
CONFIG, protocol BGP, enable/diable compare-med-from-diff-as
CONFIG, protocol BGP, enable/disable classless-bgp
CONFIG, protocol BGP, set ip-route-table-scan-timer

BGP6 Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Border Gateway Protocol for IPv6 (BGP6) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following consideration:

Deletes configured BGP6 external neighbors if the neighbor address has a common IPv6 prefix with an IPv6 address deleted on that interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for BGP6. BGP6 has no SRAM records associated with an interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is not applicable for BGP6. BGP6 has no SRAM records associated with an interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

BGP6 supports the following BGP6-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Protocol Bgp6, Reset Neighbor Command

Adds or deletes a BGP6 neighbor. Changes neighbor parameters & policies.

Network Effect:
BGP6 neighbor connection and learned routes are updated based on configuration change.


The following table summarizes the BGP6 configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, protocol bgp6, reset neighbor command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, protocol bgp6, reset neighbor command
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, add neighbor
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, change neighbor
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, delete neighbor
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, attach policy-to-neighbor
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, change policy-to-neighbor
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, delete policy-to-neighbor
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, add policy-list
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, update policy-list

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

BGP6 supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, protocol BGP6, enable neighbor
GWCON, protocol BGP6, disable neighbor

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

The following table describes the BGP6 configuration commands that cannot be dynamically changed. To activate these commands, you need to reload or restart the device.
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, enable bgp6
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, disable bgp6
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, add no-receive
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, delete no-receive
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, add/change/delete/move aggregate
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, add/change/delete/move originate-policy
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, add/change/delete/move receive-policy
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, add/change/delete/move send-policy
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, enable compare-med-from-diff-as
CONFIG, protocol BGP6, set ipv6-route-table-scan-timer

BSC Relay Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

BSC Relay supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

BSC Relay supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with no restrictions.

All BSC Relay interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

BSC Relay supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with no restrictions.

All BSC Relay configuration changes are automatically activated except the following:
Commands whose changes are not activated by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command
CONFIG, net, set frame-size
Note:You cannot increase the frame size.

DHCP Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) does not support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). DHCP configuration is not based upon specific interfaces.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is not applicable for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). DHCP configuration is not based upon specific interfaces.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) supports the following Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Feature DHCP, Reset DHCP Command

Reset the DHCP Server and initialize with the changed configuration.

Network Effect:
If the changed configuration supports the same clients, they will be offered a new lease at renewal time. If the changed configuration does not supports the same clients, their lease will expire.


The following table summarizes the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, feature DHCP, reset dhcp command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature DHCP, reset dhcp command
CONFIG, feature DHCP, add class
CONFIG, feature DHCP, add client
CONFIG, feature DHCP, add option
CONFIG, feature DHCP, add subnet
CONFIG, feature DHCP, add vendor-option
CONFIG, feature DHCP, change class
CONFIG, feature DHCP, change client
CONFIG, feature DHCP, change subnet
CONFIG, feature DHCP, change vendor-option
CONFIG, feature DHCP, delete class
CONFIG, feature DHCP, delete client
CONFIG, feature DHCP, delete option
CONFIG, feature DHCP, delete subnet
CONFIG, feature DHCP, delete subnet-group
CONFIG, feature DHCP, delete vendor-option
CONFIG, feature DHCP, disable dhcp-server
CONFIG, feature DHCP, enable dhcp-server
CONFIG, feature DHCP, set balance
CONFIG, feature DHCP, set bootstrapserver
CONFIG, feature DHCP, set canonical
CONFIG, feature DHCP, set inorder
CONFIG, feature DHCP, set lease-expire-interval
CONFIG, feature DHCP, set lease-time-default
CONFIG, feature DHCP, set ping-time
CONFIG, feature DHCP, set support-bootp
CONFIG, feature DHCP, set support-unlisted-clients
CONFIG, feature DHCP, set used-ip-address-expire-interval

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, feature DHCP, disable dhcp
GWCON, feature DHCP, enable dhcp

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

All Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) configuration parameters can be changed dynamically.

Dial Circuits Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Dial Circuits supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Dial Circuits supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

Base net must already be active. See data-link-specific restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Dial Circuits supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

You cannot reset a Dial Circuit interface if any Dial Circuit parameters have changed. Reset is allowed if the only parameters changed by the reset are associated with data-links running on top of the circuit. These parameters have restrictions associated with that data-link.

Dial-Out Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface Command

Dial-out supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface Command

Dial-out supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following considerations:

All dial-out interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface Command

Dial-out supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

You cannot reset a dial-out net if the base net has changed

All dial-out interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

DIALs Server Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Dial-In Access to LANs (DIALs) Server does not support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Dial-In Access to LANs (DIALs) Server supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with no restrictions.

The following table summarizes the Dial-In Access to LANs (DIALs) Server configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command
CONFIG, feature dials, disable spap-banner
CONFIG, feature dials, enable spap-banner
CONFIG, feature dials, set dial-out inactivity-timer
CONFIG, feature dials, set spap-banner

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

DIALs Server supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with no restrictions.

The following table summarizes the DIALs Server configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command
CONFIG, feature dials, disable spap-banner
CONFIG, feature dials, enable spap-banner
CONFIG, feature dials, set dial-out inactivity-timer
CONFIG, feature dials, set spap-banner

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

DIALs Server supports the following DIALs Server-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Feature Dials, Reset DHCP-Parameters Command

This command resets the DIALs parameters that are associated with the proxy DHCP function.

Network Effect:


The following table summarizes the DIALs Server configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, feature dials, reset dhcp-parameters command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature dials, reset dhcp-parameters command
CONFIG, feature dials, add dhcp-server
CONFIG, feature dials, delete dhcp-server
CONFIG, feature dials, set dhcp-gateway-address

GWCON, Feature Dials, Reset IP-Address-Assignment Command

This command is used to activate changes to the IP address assignment methods. This will not change currently assigned addresses, but specifies how IP addresses may be assigned on future connections. Dynamic DNS configuration change is also activated with this command.

Network Effect:


The following table summarizes the DIALs Server configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, feature dials, reset ip-address-assignment command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature dials, reset ip-address-assignment command
CONFIG, feature dials, enable dynamic-dns
CONFIG, feature dials, enable ip-address-assignment
CONFIG, feature dials, disable dynamic-dns
CONFIG, feature dials, disable ip-address-assignment

GWCON, Feature Dials, Reset IP-Pools Command

This command resets the IP address pool definition (addresses added or removed) without disrupting network connections. If a new IP address pool definition does not include addresses that were previously in the pool and are currently in use, the addresses will remain in use after the reset. When these addresses are freed by the interface, they will not return to the IP address pool and will not be assigned again.

Network Effect:


The following table summarizes the DIALs Server configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, feature dials, reset ip-pools command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature dials, reset ip-pools command
CONFIG, feature dials, add ip-pool
CONFIG, feature dials, delete ip-pool

GWCON, Feature Dials, Reset VC-Parameters Command

This command resets the Virtual Connection paramaters and table size.

Network Effect:
If the table size is reduced, some virtual circuits may be terminated.


The following table summarizes the DIALs Server configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, feature dials, reset vc-parameters command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature dials, reset vc-parameters command
CONFIG, feature dials, set vc-parameters

GWCON, Feature Dials, Reset All Command

This command resets all parameters that can be reset through the DIALs reset commands.

Network Effect:
See the individual reset commands.


The following table summarizes the Dial-In Access to LANs (DIALs) Server configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, feature dials, reset all command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature dials, reset all command
CONFIG, feature dials, add dhcp-server
CONFIG, feature dials, add ip-pool
CONFIG, feature dials, delete dhcp-server
CONFIG, feature dials, delete ip-pool
CONFIG, feature dials, enable dynamic-dns
CONFIG, feature dials, enable ip-address-assignment
CONFIG, feature dials, disable dynamic-dns
CONFIG, feature dials, disable ip-address-assignment
CONFIG, feature dials, set dhcp-gateway-address
CONFIG, feature dials, set ip-pools
CONFIG, feature dials, set vc-parameters

CONFIG (Talk 6) Immediate Change Commands

DIALs Server supports the following CONFIG commands that immediately change the operational state of the device. These changes are saved and are preserved if the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute a dynamically reconfigurable command.
CONFIG, feature dials, set dns
CONFIG, feature dials, set nbns
CONFIG, feature dials, set time-allowed

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

The following table describes the DIALs Server configuration commands that cannot be dynamically changed. To activate these commands, you need to reload or restart the device.
CONFIG, feature dials, set dial-out servername
CONFIG, feature dials, set laa
CONFIG, feature dials, set multi-chassis-mp
CONFIG, feature dials, disable dial-out dials
CONFIG, feature dials, disable dial-out telnet
CONFIG, feature dials, enable dial-out dials
CONFIG, feature dials, enable dial-out telnet

Differentiated Services Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Differential Services (or DiffServ or DS) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following consideration:

It deletes the corresponding DiffServ interface SRAM record. You have to reboot the device to activate this change.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

DiffServ supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

DS will follow the normal netup/netdown sequence if a DS-configured interface is activated.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

DiffServ supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

The following table describes the DiffServ configuration commands that cannot be dynamically changed. To activate these commands, you need to reload or restart the device.
CONFIG, feature DS, enable/disable/del ds
CONFIG, feature DS, enable/disable/del/set interface
CONFIG, feature DS, set be-alloc-min
CONFIG, feature DS, set ctl-alloc-min
CONFIG, feature DS, set pkt-size

DLSw Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Data Link Switch (DLSw) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following consideration:

DLSw SAPs, SDLC stations, and QLLC stations are deleted for a deleted interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Data Link Switch (DLSw) supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

DLSw must be globally enabled for DLSw SAPs, SDLC stations, and QLLC stations to be activated for a new interface.

All Data Link Switch (DLSw) interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Data Link Switch (DLSw) supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:

All Data Link Switch (DLSw) interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

Data Link Switch (DLSw) supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.

The following commands do not affect any DLSw functions already active at the time of the command unless otherwise noted. The changes do apply to all subsequent DLSw operations, TCP sessions, DLSw sessions, and DLSw traffic.
GWCON, protocol dls, add cache-entry
GWCON, protocol dls, add explorer-override
GWCON, protocol dls, add mac-list
GWCON, protocol dls, add priority-override
GWCON, protocol dls, add qllc destination
GWCON, protocol dls, add qllc station
GWCON, protocol dls, add sdlc
GWCON, protocol dls, add tcp
GWCON, protocol dls, close-sap
GWCON, protocol dls, delete cache-entry
GWCON, protocol dls, delete explorer-override
GWCON, protocol dls, delete mac-list
GWCON, protocol dls, delete priority-override
GWCON, protocol dls, delete qllc destination
GWCON, protocol dls, delete qllc station
Note:This command takes down all associated DLSw sessions.
GWCON, protocol dls, delete sdlc
Note:This command takes down all associated DLSw sessions.
GWCON, protocol dls, delete tcp
Note:This command takes down all associated TCP and DLSw sessions.
GWCON, protocol dls, disable dynamic-neighbors
GWCON, protocol dls, disable forwarding-explorers
GWCON, protocol dls, disable IPv4 DLSw Precendence
GWCON, protocol dls, disable LLC Disconnect
GWCON, protocol dls, disable mac-list
GWCON, protocol dls, disable qllc callin
GWCON, protocol dls, disable qllc station
GWCON, protocol dls, disable sdlc
GWCON, protocol dls, enable dynamic-neighbors
GWCON, protocol dls, enable forwarding-explorers
GWCON, protocol dls, enable IPv4 DLSw Precendence
GWCON, protocol dls, enable LLC Disconnect
GWCON, protocol dls, enable mac-list
GWCON, protocol dls, enable qllc callin
GWCON, protocol dls, enable qllc station
GWCON, protocol dls, enable sdlc
GWCON, protocol dls, join-group
GWCON, protocol dls, leave-group
GWCON, protocol dls, open-sap
GWCON, protocol dls, set dynamic-tcp
GWCON, protocol dls, set explorer-limit
GWCON, protocol dls, set llc2
GWCON, protocol dls, set mac-list
GWCON, protocol dls, set memory
GWCON, protocol dls, set priority
GWCON, protocol dls, set qllc
GWCON, protocol dls, set timers

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

The following table describes the Data Link Switch (DLSw) configuration commands that cannot be dynamically changed. To activate these commands, you need to reload or restart the device.
CONFIG, protocol dls, disable dlsw
CONFIG, protocol dls, enable dlsw
CONFIG, protocol dls, set cache
CONFIG, protocol dls, set maximum
CONFIG, protocol dls, set srb

DVMRP Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP) supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

DVMRP must be globally enabled before DVMRP can be activated on a network interface.

DVMRP interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

DVMRP supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

DVMRP must be globally enabled before DVMRP can be activated on a network interface.

All DVMRP interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

All Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP) configuration parameters can be changed dynamically.

Dynamic Protocol Filtering (VLANS) Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

VLANS supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

VLANS supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with no restrictions.

All VLANS interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

VLANS supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with no restrictions.

All VLANS interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

VLANS supports the following VLANS-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Protocol ASRT, VLAN, Load Command

Static configuration (Talk 6) parameters are loaded and VLAN operation is restarted.

Network Effect:
All VLAN filtering will be temporarily suspended until the reload is complete.


There is no support for restarting with dynamic (Talk 5) parameters because this is not needed for a filtering process.

All VLANS commands are supported by the GWCON, protocol asrt, vlan, load command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

VLANS supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.

All VLANS modifications in Talk 5 effect an immediate operational change.

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

All VLANS configuration parameters can be changed dynamically.

Encoding Subsystem Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Encoding Subsystem does not support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for Encoding Subsystem. The ES configuration parameters determine how much memory will be allocated for the ES at boot time and is not associated with an interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is not applicable for Encoding Subsystem. The ES configuration parameters determine how much memory will be allocated for the ES at boot time and is not associated with an interface.

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

Encoding Subsystem does not support dynamic changes of any of its configuration parameters.

ESCON Channel Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

ESCON channel supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following considerations:

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

ESCON channel supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

The MAXDATA size will not be set higher than the buffer size allocated for the router at reboot.

All ESCON channel interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

ESCON channel supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:

All ESCON channel interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

ESCON channel supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, net, tune iplow
Note:Allows the low water mark for the pool of private buffers used for fast-path input to be modified.
GWCON, net, tune opfair
Note:Allows the "fair" number of packets that can be queued by this interface to be modified.
GWCON, net, trace
Note:Allows the trace mode for the ESCON adapter microcode to be turned on and off.

Ethernet Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Ethernet supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Ethernet supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with no restrictions.

All Ethernet interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Ethernet supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with no restrictions.

All Ethernet interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

Frame Relay Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Frame Relay supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Frame Relay supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following considerations:

All Frame Relay configuration changes are automatically activated except the following:
Commands whose changes are not activated by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command
CONFIG, net, enable compression
Note:If data compression is not already active on another Frame Relay interface then it cannot be enabled when the interface is activated.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Frame Relay supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:

All Frame Relay configuration changes are automatically activated except the following:
Commands whose changes are not activated by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command
CONFIG, net, set frame-size
Note:You cannot increase the frame size.
CONFIG, net, enable compression
Note:You cannot enable compression on the interface if it is not enabled already or enabled on another Frame Relay Interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

Frame Relay supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, net, set circuit
GWCON, net, set ir-adjustment
GWCON, net, enable cir-monitor
GWCON, net, enable cllm
GWCON, net, enable congestion-monitor
GWCON, net, enable notify-fecn-source
GWCON, net, enable throttle-transmit-on-fecn
GWCON, net, disable cir-monitor
GWCON, net, disable cllm
GWCON, net, disable congestion-monitor
GWCON, net, disable notify-fecn-source
GWCON, net, disable throttle-transmit-on-fecn

Host On-Demand Client Cache Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Host On-Demand Client Cache does not support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for Host On-Demand Client Cache. The Host On-Demand Client Cache is a feature, not an interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is not applicable for Host On-Demand Client Cache. The Host On-Demand Client Cache is a feature, not an interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

Host On-Demand Client Cache (HOD) supports the following Host On-Demand Client Cache (HOD)-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Feature HOD, Activate All Command

This command will read all of the SRAMs for Host On-Demand Client Cache and make the current run time environment the same.

Network Effect:
All proxies that were currently active will be terminated (that is, all connections on those proxies will be brought down). If the External Cache Control Manager was running, the device will stop listening for new connections on the current port (that is, the connections to the current port will not go down).

There are no limitations.

All Host On-Demand Client Cache commands are supported by the GWCON, feature HOD, activate all command.

GWCON, Feature HOD, Activate Partition Command

This command will read all of the SRAMs for this partition and make the current run time environment for the partition be the same.

Network Effect:
If the partition being activated already exists, all the proxies on that partition will be terminated (that is, all connections on those proxies will be brought down).


The Host On-Demand Client Cache must already have been activated (see CONFIG, feature HOD, activate).

The following table summarizes the Host On-Demand Client Cache configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, feature HOD, activate partition command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature HOD, activate partition command
CONFIG, feature HOD, add URLMASK
CONFIG, feature HOD, delete PARTITION
CONFIG, feature HOD, delete URLMASK
CONFIG, feature HOD, modify PARTITION
CONFIG, feature HOD, modify PROXY
CONFIG, feature HOD, modify URLMASK

GWCON, Feature HOD, Activate Proxy Command

This command will read all of the SRAMs for this proxy and make the current run time environment for the proxy be the same.

Network Effect:
If the proxy being activated already exists, it will be terminated first (that is, all the connections on the proxy will be brought down).


The following table summarizes the Host On-Demand Client Cache configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, feature HOD, activate proxy command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature HOD, activate proxy command
CONFIG, feature HOD, modify PROXY

GWCON, Feature HOD, Activate External Port Command

This command will read all of the SRAMs for the External Cache Control Manager and make the current run time environment for the External Cache Control Manager be the same.

Network Effect:
If the External Cache Control Manager was running, the device will stop listening for new connections on the current port (that is, the connections to the current port will not go down).


The following table summarizes the Host On-Demand Client Cache (HOD) configuration changes that are not activated when the GWCON, feature HOD, activate external port command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature HOD, activate external port command
CONFIG, feature HOD, modify EXTERNAL

CONFIG (Talk 6) Activate Commands

Host On-Demand Client Cache (HOD) supports the following CONFIG (Talk 6) activate commands:

CONFIG, Feature HOD, Activate Command

Dynamically changes the Host On-Demand Client Cache currently running based on the current SRAM.

Network Effect:
All proxies that were currently active will be terminated (that is,. all connections on those proxies will be brought down). If the External Cache Control Manager was running, the device will stop listening for new connections on the current port (that is, the connections to the current port will not go down).


All Host On-Demand Client Cache commands are supported by the CONFIG, feature HOD, activate command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

Host On-Demand Client Cache (HOD) supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, feature HOD, modify external
Note:This command will change the current run time environment for the External Cache Control Manager. If the External Cache Control Manager was running, the device will stop listening for new connections on the current port (that is, the connections to the current port will not go down).
GWCON, feature HOD, delete partition
Note:This command will delete the partition from the current run time environment.

IP Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Internet Protocol (IP) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

IP supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following considerations:

All IP interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

IP supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:

All IP interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

IP supports the following IP-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Protocol IP, Reset IP Command

Installs all supported IP configuration changes.

Network Effect:


All IP configuration changes are automatically activated except the following:
Commands whose changes are not activated by the GWCON, protocol ip, reset ip command
CONFIG, protocol ip, add filter
CONFIG, protocol ip, add route
CONFIG, protocol ip, change route
CONFIG, protocol ip, delete filter
CONFIG, protocol ip, delete route

CONFIG (Talk 6) Immediate Change Commands

IP supports the following CONFIG commands that immediately change the operational state of the device. These changes are saved and are preserved if the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute a dynamically reconfigurable command.
CONFIG, protocol ip, add filter
CONFIG, protocol ip, add route
CONFIG, protocol ip, change route
CONFIG, protocol ip, delete filter
CONFIG, protocol ip, delete route
CONFIG, protocol ip, disable icmp-redirect
CONFIG, protocol ip, enable icmp-redirect
CONFIG, protocol ip, set ttl

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

The following table describes the Internet Protocol (IP) configuration commands that cannot be dynamically changed. To activate these commands, you need to reload or restart the device.
CONFIG, protocol ip, add distributed default gateway
CONFIG, protocol ip, add redundant default gateway
CONFIG, protocol ip, add route-table-filter
CONFIG, protocol ip, delete default network-gateway
CONFIG, protocol ip, delete default subnet-gateway
CONFIG, protocol ip, delete distributed default gateway
CONFIG, protocol ip, delete redundant default gateway
CONFIG, protocol ip, delete route-table-filter
CONFIG, protocol ip, disable arp-net-routing
CONFIG, protocol ip, disable arp-subnet-routing
CONFIG, protocol ip, disable classless
CONFIG, protocol ip, disable per-packet-multipath
CONFIG, protocol ip, disable route-table-filtering
CONFIG, protocol ip, disable simple-internet-access
CONFIG, protocol ip, enable arp-net-routing
CONFIG, protocol ip, enable arp-subnet-routing
CONFIG, protocol ip, enable classless
CONFIG, protocol ip, enable per-packet-multipath
CONFIG, protocol ip, enable route-table-filtering
CONFIG, protocol ip, enable simple-internet-access
CONFIG, protocol ip, set cache-size
CONFIG, protocol ip, set default network-gateway
CONFIG, protocol ip, set default subnet-gateway
CONFIG, protocol ip, set dscache-size
CONFIG, protocol ip, set internal-ip-address
CONFIG, protocol ip, set reassembly-size
CONFIG, protocol ip, set router-id
CONFIG, protocol ip, set routing table-size

IP Security Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

IP Security (IPSec) does not support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for IPSec. IPSec is independent from a particular interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is not applicable for IPSec. IPSec is independent from a particular interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

IPSec supports the following IPSec-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Feature IPSec, Ipv4, Reset IPSec Command

IPSec will be reinitialized.

Network Effect:
When IPSec is reset, all the tunnels will be gone. Manual tunnels will be rebuilt from SRAM. Negotiated tunnels will disappears. This will cause traffics that use these tunnels stop momentary.


The following table summarizes the IP Security Feature configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, feature IPSec, ipv4, reset IPSec command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature ipsec, ipv4, reset ipsec command
CONFIG, feature ipsec, ipv4, enable tunnel
CONFIG, feature ipsec, ipv4, disable tunnel
CONFIG, feature ipsec, ipv4, disable ipsec
CONFIG, feature ipsec, ipv4, add tunnel
CONFIG, feature ipsec, ipv4, delete tunnel
CONFIG, feature ipsec, ipv4, change tunnel

GWCON, Feature IPSec, Ipv4, Reset Tunnel Command

Tunnel or all tunnels will be reinitialized.

Network Effect:
A tunnel or all tunnels can be reset. Manual tunnels will be rebuilt from SRAM. Negotiated tunnels will disappears. This will cause traffics that use these tunnels stop momentary.


The following table summarizes the IP Security Feature configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, feature IPSec, ipv4, reset tunnel command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature ipsec, ipv4, reset tunnel command
CONFIG, feature ipsec, ipv4, add tunnel
CONFIG, feature ipsec, ipv4, delete tunnel
CONFIG, feature ipsec, ipv4, change tunnel
CONFIG, feature ipsec, ipv4, disable tunnel

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

IPSec supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, feature ipsec, ipv4, change tunnel
Note:A tunnel's parameters can be changed in memory.
GWCON, feature ipsec, ipv4, disable tunnel
Note:A tunnel or all tunnels can be disabled. Traffic for these tunnels will be stopped.
GWCON, feature ipsec, ipv4, disable IPSec pass
Note:IPSec is disabled and traffic is forwarded without security.
GWCON, feature ipsec, ipv4, disable IPSec stop
Note:IPSec is disabled and traffic is discarded.
GWCON, feature ipsec, ipv4, delete tunnel
Note:Deletes one or all tunnels. Traffic for these tunnels will be dropped.
GWCON, feature ipsec, ipv4, enable tunnel
Note:Enables one or all tunnels. Traffic for these tunnels will be allowed.
GWCON, feature ipsec, ipv4, enable IPSec
Note:Enables IPSec. IPSec can process traffic.
GWCON, feature ipsec, ipv4, set path-MTU-age-timer
Note:Change path MTU aging timer.

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

The following table describes the IP Security Feature configuration commands that cannot be dynamically changed. To activate these commands, you need to reload or restart the device.
CONFIG, enable ipsec
Note:When IPSec is enabled for the first time after the device has been initialized, the device needs to be reloaded or restarted.

IPv6 Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

IP Version 6 (IPv6) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

IPv6 supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

If IPv6 was not configured before, you need to reboot.

All IPv6 interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

IPv6 supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:

All IPv6 interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

IPv6 supports the following IPv6-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Protocol IPv6, Reset IPv6 Command

Rereads the SRAM and reinitializes IPv6. Also resets RIP6, NDP6, and PIM6.

Network Effect:


All IPv6 configuration changes are automatically activated except the following:
Commands whose changes are not activated by the GWCON, protocol ipv6, reset ipv6 command
CONFIG, protocol ipv6, set routing table-size
CONFIG, protocol ipv6, set reassembly-size
CONFIG, protocol ipv6, set cache-size

CONFIG (Talk 6) Immediate Change Commands

IPv6 supports the following CONFIG commands that immediately change the operational state of the device. These changes are saved and are preserved if the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute a dynamically reconfigurable command.
CONFIG, protocol ipv6, add route
CONFIG, protocol ipv6, delete route
CONFIG, protocol ipv6, change route
CONFIG, protocol ipv6, enable icmp-redirect
CONFIG, protocol ipv6, disable icmp-redirect
CONFIG, protocol ipv6, set access-control
CONFIG, protocol ipv6, set ttl
CONFIG, protocol ipv6, set path-mtu-aging-timer

IPX Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Internet Packet Exchange (IPX) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following consideration:

When the network interface is deleted, all IPX circuits, static routes, static services and circuit-filters (RIP router, RIP, SAP and IPX) configured on the network interface are deleted from the configuration memory.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

IPX supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following considerations:

The following table summarizes the IPX configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is invoked:
Commands performed as part of the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command
GWCON, protocol IPX, reset circuit
Note:When the network interface is activated, all IPX circuits configured on the network interface are activated.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

IPX supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:

The following table summarizes the IPX configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is invoked:
Commands performed as part of the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command
GWCON, protocol IPX, reset circuit
Note:When the network interface is reset, all IPX circuits configured on the network interface are reset.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

IPX supports the following IPX-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Protocol IPX, Reset Circuit Command

The specified IPX circuit is reset.

Network Effect:
The IPX circuit is deleted and recreated using the IPX circuit parameters in the configuration memory. All routes and services learned through the IPX circuit are advertised as down, are deleted, and then re-learned when the IPX circuit is recreated. If the IPX network number on the circuit has changed, sessions involving the clients on that circuit will be lost and the clients may have to be reset.


The following table summarizes the IPX configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset circuit command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset circuit command
CONFIG, protocol IPX, add broadcast-circuit
CONFIG, protocol IPX, add ipxwan-circuit
CONFIG, protocol IPX, delete circuit
CONFIG, protocol IPX, disable circuit
CONFIG, protocol IPX, disable keepalive-filtering
CONFIG, protocol IPX, disable netbios-broadcast
CONFIG, protocol IPX, disable reply-to-get-nearest serve
CONFIG, protocol IPX, disable rip
CONFIG, protocol IPX, disable rip-sap-pacing
CONFIG, protocol IPX, disable sap
CONFIG, protocol IPX, enable circuit
CONFIG, protocol IPX, enable keepalive-filtering
CONFIG, protocol IPX, enable netbios-broadcast
CONFIG, protocol IPX, enable reply-to-get-nearest serve
CONFIG, protocol IPX, enable rip
CONFIG, protocol IPX, enable rip-sap-pacing
CONFIG, protocol IPX, enable sap
CONFIG, protocol IPX, frame
CONFIG, protocol IPX, move circuit
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set ipxwan
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set net-number
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set rip-ticks
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set rip-update-interval
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set sap-update-interval
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set split-horizon

GWCON, Protocol IPX, Reset Route-Static Command

All IPX static routes, including the default route, and whether IPX static routing is globally enabled or disabled, are reset.

Network Effect:
No network disruption.


The following table summarizes the IPX configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset route-static command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset route-static command
CONFIG, protocol IPX, add route-static
CONFIG, protocol IPX, delete route-static
CONFIG, protocol IPX, disable route-static
CONFIG, protocol IPX, enable route-static

GWCON, Protocol IPX, Reset Sap-Static Command

All IPX static services, including whether the use of IPX static services is globally enabled or disabled, are reset.

Network Effect:
No network disruption.


The following table summarizes the IPX configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset sap-static command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset sap-static command
CONFIG, protocol IPX, add sap-static
CONFIG, protocol IPX, delete sap-static
CONFIG, protocol IPX, disable sap-static
CONFIG, protocol IPX, enable sap-static

GWCON, Protocol IPX, Reset Filters Command

All global SAP filters, including whether the use of SAP filtering is globally enabled or disabled, are reset.

Network Effect:
No network disruption.


The following table summarizes the IPX configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset filters command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset filters command
CONFIG, protocol IPX, add filter
CONFIG, protocol IPX, delete filter
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set filter

GWCON, Protocol IPX, Reset Access-Controls Command

All global IPX filters (access-controls), including whether the use of IPX filtering is globally enabled or disabled, are reset.

Network Effect:
No network disruption.


The following table summarizes the IPX configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset access-controls command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset access-controls command
CONFIG, protocol IPX, add access-control
CONFIG, protocol IPX, delete access-control
CONFIG, protocol IPX, move access-control
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set access-control

GWCON, Protocol IPX, Reset Filter-Lists Router Command

All RIP router circuit filters, filter-lists and items, including whether the use of RIP router circuit filters is globally enabled or disabled, are reset.

Network Effect:
No network disruption.


The following table summarizes the IPX configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset filter-lists router command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset filter-lists router command
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists router, attach
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists router, create
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists router, default
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists router, delete
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists router, detach
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists router, disable
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists router, enable
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists router, move
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists router, update, add
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists router, update, delete
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists router, update, move
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists router, update, set-action

GWCON, Protocol IPX, Reset Filter-Lists RIP Command

All RIP circuit filters, filter-lists and items, including whether the use of RIP circuit filters is globally enabled or disabled, are reset.

Network Effect:
No network disruption.


The following table summarizes the IPX configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset filter-lists rip command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset filter-lists rip command
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists rip, attach
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists rip, create
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists rip, default
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists rip, delete
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists rip, detach
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists rip, disable
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists rip, enable
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists rip, move
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists rip, update, add
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists rip, update, delete
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists rip, update, move
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists rip, update, set-action

GWCON, Protocol IPX, Reset Filter-Lists SAP Command

All SAP circuit filters, filter-lists and items, including whether the use of SAP circuit filters is globally enabled or disabled, are reset.

Network Effect:
No network disruption.


The following table summarizes the IPX configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset filter-lists sap command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset filter-lists sap command
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists sap, attach
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists sap, create
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists sap, default
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists sap, delete
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists sap, detach
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists sap, disable
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists sap, enable
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists sap, move
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists sap, update, add
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists sap, update, delete
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists sap, update, move
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists sap, update, set-action

GWCON, Protocol IPX, Reset Filter-Lists IPX Command

All IPX circuit filters, filter-lists and items, including whether the use of IPX circuit filters is globally enabled or disabled, are reset.

Network Effect:
No network disruption.


The following table summarizes the IPX configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset filter-lists ipx command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, protocol IPX, reset filter-lists ipx command
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists ipx, attach
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists ipx, create
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists ipx, default
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists ipx, delete
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists ipx, detach
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists ipx, disable
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists ipx, enable
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists ipx, move
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists ipx, set-cache
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists ipx, update, add
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists ipx, update, delete
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists ipx, update, move
CONFIG, protocol IPX, filter-lists ipx, update, set-action

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

IPX supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, protocol IPX, disable circuit
GWCON, protocol IPX, disable ipx
GWCON, protocol IPX, enable circuit
GWCON, protocol IPX, enable ipx

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

The following table describes the IPX configuration commands that cannot be dynamically changed. To activate these commands, you need to reload or restart the device.
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set keepalive-table-size
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set local-cache size
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set maximum networks
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set maximum routes-per-destination
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set maximum services
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set maximum total-route-entries
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set name
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set node-id
CONFIG, protocol IPX, set remote-cache size

ISDN Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

ISDN supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

ISDN supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

ISDN does not support the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

L2 Tunneling Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Layer 2 Tunneling supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Layer 2 Tunneling supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

There are no additional limitations over other PPP interfaces.

All Layer 2 Tunneling configuration changes are automatically activated except the following:
Commands whose changes are not activated by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command
CONFIG, net, enable ccp
Note:Compression will not be enabled if this is the first PPP net with CCP enabled.
CONFIG, net, set lcp options (mru option)
Note:The MRU value will not be set higher than the buffer size allocated for the router at reboot.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Layer 2 Tunneling supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

There are no additional limitations over other PPP interfaces.

All Layer 2 Tunneling configuration changes are automatically activated except the following:
Commands whose changes are not activated by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command
CONFIG, net, enable ccp
Note:Compression will not be enabled if this is the first PPP net with CCP enabled.
CONFIG, net, set lcp options (mru option)
Note:The MRU value will not be set higher than the buffer size allocated for the PPP interface at reboot.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Immediate Change Commands

Layer 2 Tunneling supports the following CONFIG commands that immediately change the operational state of the device. These changes are saved and are preserved if the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute a dynamically reconfigurable command.
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, disable fixed-ip-source-address
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, disable fixed-udp-source-port
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, disable force-chap-challenge
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, disable hiding-for-pap-attributes
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, disable proxy-auth
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, disable proxy-lcp
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, disable sequencing
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, disable tunnel-auth
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, enable fixed-ip-source-address
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, enable fixed-udp-source-port
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, enable force-chap-challenge
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, enable hiding-for-pap-attributes
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, enable proxy-auth
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, enable proxy-lcp
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, enable sequencing
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, enable tunnel-auth
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, set error-check-period
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, set host-lookup-password
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, set local-hostname
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, set transmit-retries
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, set tunnel-rcv-window
CONFIG, add tunnel-profile

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

The following table describes the Layer 2 Tunneling configuration commands that cannot be dynamically changed. To activate these commands, you need to reload or restart the device.
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, enable l2f
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, enable l2tp
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, enable pptp
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, disable l2f
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, disable l2tp
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, disable pptp
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, set buffers
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, set max-calls
CONFIG, feature layer-2-tunneling, set max-tunnels

LAG Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Link aggregation (LAG) does not support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for LAG. The activate interface feature is not supported on switch products supporting LAG.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

LAG supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with no restrictions.

The following table summarizes the LAG configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command
CONFIG, net, add
CONFIG, net, delete

LAN Emulation Server Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

LAN Emulation Server (LES) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for LES. The LE Server resides only on an ATM interface, which cannot be a spare interface, and thus cannot be activated.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is not applicable for LES. The LE Server resides only on an ATM interface, which cannot be reset.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Command

LES supports the following LES-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Net, LE-Services, LES, Restart Command

Stops and restarts the LE Server using either static (Talk 6) or dynamic (Talk 5) configuration parameters.

Network Effect:
All joined clients are terminated.


All LES commands are supported by the GWCON, net, le-services, les, restart command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

LES supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.

All LE Server modifications in Talk 5 effect an immediate operational change.

LAN Network Manager Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

LAN Network Manager (LNM) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

LNM does not support the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

LNM does not support the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

LCS Virtual Channel Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

LCS Virtual Channel supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

LCS Virtual Channel supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following considerations:

All LCS Virtual Channel interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

LCS Virtual Channel supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:

All LCS Virtual Channel interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

LCS Virtual Channel supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, net, tune acklen
Note:Changes the operational value of the ACKLEN (acknowledgement length)
GWCON, net, tune blktimer
Note:Changes the operational value of the BLKTIMER (block timer)

LEC Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

LAN Emulation Client (LEC) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

LEC supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with no restrictions.

All LEC interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

LEC supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with no restrictions.

All LEC interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

LEC supports all the GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.

All LEC modifications in Talk 5 affect an immediate operational change.

LSA Virtual Channel Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

LSA Virtual Channel supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

LSA Virtual Channel supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following considerations:

All LSA Virtual Channel interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

LSA Virtual Channel supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:

All LSA Virtual Channel interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

LSA Virtual Channel supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, net, tune acklen
Note:Changes the operational value of the ACKLEN (acknowledgement length)
GWCON, net, tune blktimer
Note:Changes the operational value of the BLKTIMER (block timer)

MAC Filtering Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

MAC Filtering supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

MAC Filtering supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

If there are any MAC filters defined for the newly activated interface, then all MAC filters for every interface are reinitialized.

All MAC Filtering interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

MAC Filtering supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

If there are any MAC filters defined for the newly reset interface, then all MAC filters for every interface are reinitialized.

All MAC Filtering interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Command

MAC Filtering supports the following MAC Filtering-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset command:

GWCON, Feature MCF, Reinit Command

Dynamically reinitializes all configured MAC filters.

Network Effect:


All MAC Filtering commands are supported by the GWCON, feature mcf, reinit command.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Activate Command

MAC Filtering supports the following CONFIG (Talk 6) activate command:

CONFIG, Feature MCF, Reinit Command

Dynamically reinitializes all configured MAC filters.

Network Effect:


All MAC Filtering commands are supported by the CONFIG, feature mcf, reinit command.

MPC Virtual Channel Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

MPC Virtual Channel supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

MPC Virtual Channel supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following considerations:

All MPC Virtual Channel interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

MPC Virtual Channel supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:

All MPC Virtual Channel interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

MPC Virtual Channel supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, net, tune acklen
Note:Changes the operational value of the ACKLEN (acknowledgement length)
GWCON, net, tune blktimer
Note:Changes the operational value of the BLKTIMER (block timer)

MPC Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

MPOA Client supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following considerations:

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for MPOA Client. MPOA Client is associated with an ATM interface. An ATM interface cannot be set as a spare interface to be activated later.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is not applicable for MPOA Client. MPOA Client is associated with an ATM interface. An ATM interface cannot be reset.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

MPOA Client supports the following MPOA Client-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Protocol MPOA, MPC <ATM Interface Number>, Configure, Reset Command

All the dynamically reconfigurable parameters (pcr, max-reserved-bandwidth, enable-LANE-shortcuts, LANE -shortcuts-source-MAC, configured-SRC-MAC, frame-count, frame-time, init-retry-time, max-retry-time, hold-down-time, VCC-timeout, accept-config-from LECS, fragmentation-mode, enable/disable IP/IPX) will be reset to their existing values in the configuration memory.

Network Effect:


The following table summarizes the MPOA Client configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, protocol MPOA, MPC , configure, reset command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc , configure, reset command
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, PCR
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, max-reserved-bandwidth
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, enable-lane-shortcuts
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, shortcut-src-mac
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, configured-src-mac
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, frame-time
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, frame-count
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, init-retry-time
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, max-retry-time
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, hold-down-time
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure,vcc-timeout
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, accept-config-from-lecs
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, fragmentation-mode
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, atm-packet-trace-filter
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, lan-packet-trace-filter
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, mpc base, enable-protocol, ip
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, mpc base, enable-protocol, ipx
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, mpc base, disable-protocol, ip
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, mpc base, disable-protocol, ipx

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

MPOA Client supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, pcr
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, max-reserved-bandwidth
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, enable-lane-shortcuts
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, shortcut-src-mac
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, configured-src-mac
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, frame-time
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, frame-count
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, init-retry-time
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, max-retry-time
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, hold-down-time
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure,vcc-timeout
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, accept-config-from-lecs
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, fragmentation-mode
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, atm-packet-trace-filter
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, configure, lan-packet-trace-filter
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, mpc base, enable-protocol, ip
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, mpc base, enable-protocol, ipx
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, mpc base, disable-protocol, ip
GWCON, protocol mpoa, mpc <atm interface number>, mpc base, disable-protocol, ipx

MPS Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

NHRP/MPOA Server supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following consideration:

The NHRP LANE shortcut interface cannot be deleted with the delete interface command. Use the disable nhrp config option to delete NHRP LANE shortcut interface (NHRP CONFIG options can be accessed under protocol MPOA). When the NHRP LANE shortcut interface is deleted, all MPOA Server configuration parameters are cleared as well.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

NHRP/MPOA Server supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

The NHRP LSI (LANE Shortcut Interface) associated with each ATM physical interface is activated automatically after the associated ATM physical interface is activated.

All NHRP/MPOA Server interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

NHRP/MPOA Server supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

Cannot reset the interface type NHRP LANE shortcut interface without restart.

All NHRP/MPOA Server interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

NHRP/MPOA Server supports the following NHRP/MPOA Server-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

CONSOLE, Protocol, MPOA, MPS, Reset MPS Command

The device-level MPS configuration is reset from SRAM.

Network Effect:
All ATM physical and logical interfaces are reset, and the MPOA server cache entries are cleared.


All NHRP/MPOA Server commands are supported by the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, reset mps command.

CONSOLE, Protocol, MPOA, MPS, Configuration, Reset Accept-Config-from-LECS Command

The accept-config-from-lecs command in Talk 5 is reset with CONFIG values from Talk 6.

Network Effect:


The following table summarizes the NHRP/MPOA Server configuration changes that are activated when the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset accept-config-from-lecs command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset accept-config-from-lecs command
CONFIG, protocol, mpoa, mps, set accept-config-from-lecs

CONSOLE, Protocol, MPOA, MPS, CONFIGURATION, Reset Disallow-Router-to-Router Command

The disallow-router-to-router command in Talk 5 is reset with entries from Talk 6

Network Effect:


The following table summarizes the NHRP/MPOA Server configuration changes that are activated when the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset disallow-router-to-router command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset disallow-router-to-router command
CONFIG, protocol, mpoa, mps, add disallow-router-to-router

CONSOLE, Protocol, MPOA, MPA, CONFIGURATION, Reset Exclude-List Command

The exclude-list command in Talk 5 is reset with entries from Talk 6

Network Effect:


The following table summarizes the NHRP/MPOA Server configuration changes that are activated when the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset exclude-list command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset exclude-list command
CONFIG, protocol, mpoa, mps, add exclude-list

CONSOLE, Protocol, MPOA, MPS, CONFIGURATION, Reset Giveup-Time Command

The giveup-time command in Talk 5 is reset with the value from Talk 6.

Network Effect:


The following table summarizes the NHRP/MPOA Server configuration changes that are activated when the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset giveup-time command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset giveup-time command
CONFIG, protocol, mpoa, mps, set giveup-time

CONSOLE, Protocol, MPOA, MPS, CONFIGURATION, Reset Holding-Time Command

The MPOA imposition holding-time is reset with the value from Talk 6.

Network Effect:


The following table summarizes the NHRP/MPOA Server configuration changes that are not activated when the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset holding-time command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are not activated by the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset holding-time command
CONFIG, protocol, mpoa, mps, set holding-time

CONSOLE, Protocol, MPOA, MPS, CONFIGURATION, Reset Initial-Retry-Time Command

The MPOA resolution request retry time is reset with the value from Talk 6.

Network Effect:


The following table summarizes the NHRP/MPOA Server configuration changes that are activated when the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset initial-retry-timecommand is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset initial-retry-time command
CONFIG, protocol, mpoa, mps, set initial-retry-time

CONSOLE, Protocol, MPOA, MPS, CONFIGURATION, Reset Keep-Alive-Time Command

The interval between successive MPOA keep-alives is reset with the value from Talk 6.

Network Effect:


The following table summarizes the NHRP/MPOA Server configuration changes that are activated when the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset keep-alive-time command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset keep-alive-time command
CONFIG, protocol, mpoa, mps, set keep-alive-time

CONSOLE, Protocol, MPOA, MPS, CONFIGURATION, Reset Lifetime-Keep-Alive Command

The MPOA keep-alive-lifetime given out to MPCs is reset with the value from Talk 6.

Network Effect:


The following table summarizes the NHRP/MPOA Server configuration changes that are activated when the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset lifetime-keep-alive command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset lifetime-keep-alive command
CONFIG, protocol, mpoa, mps, set lifetime-keep-alive

CONSOLE, Protocol, MPOA, MPS, CONFIGURATION, Reset Maximum-Retry-Time Command

The MPOA maximum-retry-time is reset with the value from Talk 6.

Network Effect:


The following table summarizes the NHRP/MPOA Server configuration changes that are activated when the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset maximum-retry-time command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset maximum-retry-time command
CONFIG, protocol, mpoa, mps, set maximum-retry-time

CONSOLE, Protocol, MPOA, MPS, CONFIGURATION, Reset Protocol-Access-Control-Usage Command

The MPOA IP/IPX protocol-access-control-usage is reset with the value from Talk 6.

Network Effect:


The following table summarizes the NHRP/MPOA Server configuration changes that are activated when the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset protocol-access-control-usage command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, reset protocol-access-control-usage command
CONFIG, protocol, mpoa, mps, set protocol-access-control-usage

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

NHRP/MPOA Server supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, change giveup-time
CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, change holding-time
CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, change initial-retry-time
CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, change keep-alive-time
CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, change lifetime-keep-alive
CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, change maximum-retry-time
CONSOLE, protocol, mpoa, mps, CONFIGURATION, change protocol-access-control-usage
Note:The respective configuration parameters are changed dynamically in Talk 5, but do not update SRAM.

Multicast Forwarding Cache Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Note:The following commands are common among MOSPF, DVMRP, and PIM and are considered MFC commands for IPv4:
  • join
  • leave
  • mcache
  • mgroups
  • mstats
Refer to "Configuring and Monitoring OSPF" for more information about MOSPF and "Configuring and Monitoring DVMRP" for more information about DVMRP. Both chapters are in Protocol Configuration and Monitoring Reference Vol. 1.

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Multicast Forwarding Cache (MFC) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following consideration:

IP must notify MFC of address update.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

MFC supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

IP must notify MFC of address update.

All MFC interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

MFC supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

IP must notify MFC of address update.

All MFC interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

All MFC configuration parameters can be changed dynamically.

Multicast Forwarding Cache V6 Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

Note:The following PIM commands are considered Multicast Forwarding Cache (MFC6) commands for IPv6:
  • join
  • leave
  • mcache
  • mgroups
  • mstats

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Multicast Forwarding Cache V6 (MFC6) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following consideration:

IPv6 must notify MFC6 of address update.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Multicast Forwarding Cache V6 (MFC6) supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

IPv6 must notify MFC6 of address update.

All Multicast Forwarding Cache V6 (MFC6) interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Multicast Forwarding Cache V6 (MFC6) supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

IPv6 must notify MFC6 of address update.

All Multicast Forwarding Cache V6 (MFC6) interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

All Multicast Forwarding Cache V6 (MFC6) configuration parameters can be changed dynamically.

NAT Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

NAT does not support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for NAT. NAT has no SRAM records associated with an interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is not applicable for NAT. NAT has no SRAM records associated with an interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

NAT supports the following NAT-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Feature NAT, Reset NAT Command

Reset stops all NAT timers, sets NAT state to disabled, and frees all memory used by NAT. All translation mappings, packet fragments, and TCP session information is cleared. NAT's initialization routine will read NAT's state from configuration records. If NAT is enabled, pools of public addresses, ranges of private addresses, mapping tables, fragment reassembly tables, timeouts, and timers are all initialized from configuration records. At this point, NAT is again prepared for packets presented to it by IP packet filters.

Network Effect:
If NAT is was previously enabled, all TCP sessions will time out and the application will be notified. UDP and datagram mappings will be lost and packets on those datastreams will be dropped. Once NAT is re-initialized, TCP sessions can be re-established, as can UDP and other datagram packet streams.

IP Packet Filters must be properly configured in order for IP to pass packets to NAT.

All NAT commands are supported by the GWCON, feature nat, reset nat command.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Immediate Change Commands

NAT supports the following CONFIG commands that immediately change the operational state of the device. These changes are saved and are preserved if the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute a dynamically reconfigurable command.
CONFIG, feature nat, reset nat

NDP6 Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Neighbor Discovery Protocol for IPv6 (NDP6) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

NDP6 supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with no restrictions.

The following table summarizes the NDP6 configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, add ra
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, change prefix
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, change ra
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, delete ra
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, disable ra
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, enable ra

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

NDP6 supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with no restrictions.

The following table summarizes the NDP6 configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, add ra
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, change prefix
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, change ra
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, delete ra
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, disable ra
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, enable ra

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

NDP6 supports the following NDP6-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Protocol IPV6, Reset IPV6 Command

Dynamically resets all of the NDP6 configuration parameters. See the command description under IPv6 for complete details of this command.

Network Effect:
No network disruption for NDP6.


The following table summarizes the NDP6 configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, protocol ipv6, reset ipv6 command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, protocol ipv6, reset ipv6 command
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, add ra
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, change prefix
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, change ra
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, delete ra
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, disable ra
CONFIG, protocol NDP6, enable ra

NetBIOS Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

NetBIOS does not support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for NetBIOS. There are no interface-specific NetBIOS parameters.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is not applicable for NetBIOS. There are no interface-specific NetBIOS parameters.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

NetBIOS supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.

The following commands do not affect any NetBIOS functions already active at the time of the command unless otherwise noted. The changes do apply to all subsequent NetBIOS operations and traffic.
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, add cache-entry
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, add name-list
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, delete cache-entry
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, delete name-list
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, disable duplicate-filtering
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, disable name-list local
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, disable name-list remote
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, disable route-caching
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, enable duplicate-filtering
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, enable name-list local
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, enable name-list remote
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, enable route-caching
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, set cache-parms
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, set filters bridge
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, set filters dlsw
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, set general
GWCON, protocol asrt, netbios, set name-list

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

All NetBIOS configuration parameters can be changed dynamically.

Network Dispatcher Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Network Dispatcher (NDR) does not support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for NDR. Network Dispatcher is a feature and is not configured on an interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is not applicable for NDR. Network Dispatcher is a feature and is not configured on an interface.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Immediate Change Commands

NDR supports the following CONFIG commands that immediately change the operational state of the device. These changes are saved and are preserved if the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute a dynamically reconfigurable command.
CONFIG, feature ndr, add advisor
CONFIG, feature ndr, add backup
CONFIG, feature ndr, add cluster
CONFIG, feature ndr, add heartbeat
CONFIG, feature ndr, add port
Note:If port mode selected is WebServer Client cache or Host On-Demand Client cache, the HTTP Proxy changes are not immediate.
CONFIG, feature ndr, add reach
CONFIG, feature ndr, add server
CONFIG, feature ndr, disable advisor
CONFIG, feature ndr, disable backup
CONFIG, feature ndr, disable executor
Note:When executor is disabled, it removes all clusters, ports and servers from the runtime code structures, but NOT SRAM. If the port mode was WebServer Client Cache or Host On-Demand Client cache for a port that was removed, all WebServer Cache or the Host On-Demand Client cache partitions will be disabled and the HTTP Proxies will be closed.
CONFIG, feature ndr, disable manager
CONFIG, feature ndr, enable advisor
CONFIG, feature ndr, enable backup
CONFIG, feature ndr, enable executor
Note:When executor is enabled and there are WebServer Client cache or Host On-Demand Client cache ports, the HTTP Proxies and partitions are not automatic or immediate.
CONFIG, feature ndr, enable manager
CONFIG, feature ndr, remove advisor
CONFIG, feature ndr, remove backup
CONFIG, feature ndr, remove cluster
Note:Removing a cluster causes all ports and servers associated with that cluster to be removed from the runtime code structures and SRAM. If the port that was removed had a port mode of WebServer Client Cache or Host On-Demand Client cache, the HTTP proxy also goes down and its SRAM is removed.
CONFIG, feature ndr, remove heartbeat
CONFIG, feature ndr, remove port
Note:If the port being removed has a port mode of WebServer Client cache or Host On-Demand Client cache, the HTTP proxy also goes down and its SRAM is removed.
CONFIG, feature ndr, remove reach
CONFIG, feature ndr, remove server
CONFIG, feature ndr, set advisor
CONFIG, feature ndr, set cluster
CONFIG, feature ndr, set manager
CONFIG, feature ndr, set port
Note:If the port mode for this port was WebServer Client cache or Host On-Demand Client cache and it is now being set to something else, the HTTP proxies for those ports will be closed and its SRAM removed. Also, if the operational software is setting the port mode to cache or hod client cache from something else, the HTTP proxy changes are not immediate.
CONFIG, feature ndr, set server

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

All NDR configuration parameters can be changed dynamically.

OSPF Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

OSPF supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

OSPF supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

If OSPF was not running before, but has now been configured, you need to reboot to enable OSPF and activate the new interface.

All OSPF interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

OSPF supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:

All OSPF interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

OSPF supports the following OSPF-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Protocol OSPF, Reset OSPF Command

Re-reads the SRAM and reinitializes OSPF.

Network Effect:
If multicast support is enabled or disabled, or if demand circuit support is enabled or disabled, or if the router ID is changed, OSPF will be restarted. All adjacencies will be lost.


If the amount of heap memory required is larger than that currently available, because of an increased number of routes or routers, the router must be restarted.

All OSPF commands are supported by the GWCON, protocol ospf, reset ospf command.

GWCON, Protocol IP, Reset IP Command

Re-reads the SRAM and reinitializes OSPF.

Network Effect:
If multicast support is enabled or disabled, or if demand circuit support is enabled or disabled, or if the router ID is changed, OSPF will be restarted. All adjacencies will be lost.


If the amount of heap memory required is larger than that currently available, because of an increased number of routes or routers, the router must be restarted.

All OSPF commands are supported by the GWCON, protocol ip, reset ip command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

OSPF supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, protocol ospf, weight
GWCON, protocol ospf, join
GWCON, protocol ospf, leave

PCA Channel Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

PCA Channel supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following considerations:

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

PCA Channel supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

The MAXDATA size will not be set higher than the buffer size allocated for the router at reboot.

All PCA Channel interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

PCA Channel supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:

All PCA Channel interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

PCA Channel supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, net, tune iplow
Note:Allows the low water mark for the pool of private buffers used for fast-path input to be modified.
GWCON, net, tune opfair
Note:Allows the "fair" number of packets that can be queued by this interface to be modified.
GWCON, net, trace
Note:Allows the trace mode for the PCA adapter microcode to be turned on and off.
GWCON, net, hidtrace
Note:Allows the HID tracing for the PCA adapter to be toggled on or off.

PIM Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

PIM supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

PIM must be globally enabled before PIM can be activated on a network interface.

All PIM interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

PIM supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

PIM must be globally enabled before PIM can be activated on a network interface.

All PIM interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

PIM supports the following PIM-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Protocol PIM, Reset Command

Dynamically resets PIM variable values and interfaces.

Network Effect:
Loss of PIM neighbor adjacency on all interfaces running PIM. This may impact IP multicast forwarding, though information is corrected after a period of time during which neighbor adjacency is once again established.


All PIM commands are supported by the GWCON, protocol pim, reset command.

PIM for IPv6 Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Protocol Independent Multicast for IPv6 (PIM6) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

PIM6 supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

PIM6 must be globally enabled before PIM6 can be activated on a network interface.

All PIM6 interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

PIM6 supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

PIM6 must be globally enabled before PIM6 can be activated on a network interface.

All PIM6 interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

PIM6 supports the following PIM6-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Protocol PIM, Reset Command

Dynamically resets PIM6 variable values and interfaces.

Network Effect:
Loss of PIM6 neighbor adjacency on all interfaces running PIM6. This may impact IPv6 multicast forwarding, though information is corrected after a period of time during which neighbor adjacency is once again established.


All PIM6 commands are supported by the GWCON, protocol pim, reset command.

Point-to-Point Protocol Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

PPP supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following considerations:

All PPP configuration changes are automatically activated except the following:
Commands whose changes are not activated by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command
CONFIG, net, enable ccp
Note:Compression will not be enabled if this is the first PPP net with CCP enabled.
CONFIG, net, set lcp options (mru option)
Note:The MRU value will not be set higher than the buffer size allocated for the router at reboot.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

PPP supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:

All PPP configuration changes are automatically activated except the following:
Commands whose changes are not activated by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command
CONFIG, net, enable ccp
Note:Compression will not be enabled if this is the first PPP net with CCP enabled.
CONFIG, net, set lcp options (mru option)
Note:The MRU value will not be set higher than the buffer size allocated for the PPP interface at reboot.

Policy Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

The policy feature does not support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for the policy feature. The configuration for the policy feature determines the set of rules and subsequent actions that should be applied to IP traffic, which is independent of a particular interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is not applicable for the policy feature. The configuration for the policy feature determines the set of rules and subsequent actions that should be applied to IP traffic, which is independent of a particular interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

Policy Feature supports the following Policy Feature-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Feature Policy, Reset, Database Command

All policies configured in the feature policy will be read from local configuration. If LDAP searching has been enabled, policies for this device will be read from the LDAP server. Any other changes to underlying policy objects such as DIFFSERV Actions, IPSEC and IKE policy objects that are used by policies will be re-loaded from configuration as well.

Once all the policies have been read, the policy database will be built from the collection of rules that are generated from these policies. During the period while the policies are being read, a default database is created with the default rule configured in Talk 6, using thefeature policy, set default-policy command.

Network Effect:
During the period while the policy database is being built, IPv4 unicast traffic will be forwarded based on the default policy configured in Talk 6. The default policy either passes all traffic, drops all traffic except for LDAP traffic to and from the device, or drops all traffic except for LDAP traffic secured using IPSec to and from the device.


The following table summarizes the Policy Feature configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, feature policy, reset, database command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature policy, reset, database command
CONFIG, feature policy, add, policy
CONFIG, feature policy, delete, policy
CONFIG, feature policy, change, policy
CONFIG, feature policy, disable, policy
CONFIG, feature policy, enable, policy

GWCON, Feature Policy, Reset, LDAP Command

The LDAP configuration parameters for the policy feature will be refreshed.

Network Effect:
The next time the policy database is refreshed, the new LDAP configuration parameters will be used to determine whether to search the server, and, if so, which parameters to use.


The following table summarizes the Policy Feature configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, feature policy, reset, ldap command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature policy, reset, ldap command
CONFIG, feature policy, set, ldap, anonymous-bind
CONFIG, feature policy, set, ldap, bind-name
CONFIG, feature policy, set, ldap, bind-pw
CONFIG, feature policy, set, ldap, policy-base
CONFIG, feature policy, set, ldap, port
CONFIG, feature policy, set, ldap, primary-server
CONFIG, feature policy, set, ldap, retry-interval
CONFIG, feature policy, set, ldap, search-timeout
CONFIG, feature policy, set, ldap, secondary-server
CONFIG, feature policy, set, ldap, version
CONFIG, feature policy, enable, ldap, cached-search
CONFIG, feature policy, enable, ldap, policy-search
CONFIG, feature policy, disable, ldap, cached-search
CONFIG, feature policy, disable, ldap, policy-search

GWCON, Feature Policy, Reset, Refresh

The policy database refresh parameters will be reloaded. The refresh parameters determine whether the database should be automatically refreshed once a day and, if enabled, when during the day.

Network Effect:
If the policy refresh feature is enabled, then when the time event specified in the refresh configuration occurs, the policy database will be refreshed. This has the exact effect of manually performing a reset database command.


The following table summarizes the Policy Feature configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, feature policy, reset, refresh command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature policy, reset, refresh command
CONFIG, feature policy, set, refresh

CONFIG (Talk 6) Immediate Change Commands

The policy feature supports the following CONFIG commands that immediately change the operational state of the device. These changes are saved and are preserved if the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute a dynamically reconfigurable command.
CONFIG, feature policy, set, default-policy
Note:The next time that the policy database is refreshed, the settings for the default policy will be used during the refresh period and to handle the error conditions that may occur when refreshing the policy database.
CONFIG, feature policy, add, user
CONFIG, feature policy, change, user
Note:The pre-shared key defined for the user can be used immediately without restarting or reloading the device. If this user is part of a group associated with the remote user group of a profile, then the policy database must be reset before this association can be made.

QOS Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Quality Of Service (QOS) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following consideration:

QOS is configured for a specific LEC or ATM interface. The QOS changes take effect when the command is issued to that particular interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Quality Of Service (QOS) supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

QOS is configured for a specific LEC or ATM interface. The QOS changes take effect when the command is issued to that particular interface.

All Quality Of Service (QOS) interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Quality Of Service (QOS) supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

QOS is configured for a specific LEC or ATM interface. The QOS changes take effect when the command is issued to that particular interface.

All Quality Of Service (QOS) interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

Quality Of Service (QOS) supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.

All QOS modifications in Talk 5 effect an immediate operational change when the command is issued to the interface for which it is configured.

RIP Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Routing Information Protocol (RIP) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following consideration:

Route policy records associated with the interface are not automatically deleted when an interface is deleted.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

RIP supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

RIP must be globally enabled before RIP can be activated on a network interface.

All RIP interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

RIP supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

RIP must be globally enabled before RIP can be activated on a network interface.

All RIP interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

RIP supports the following RIP-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Protocol IP, Reset IP Command

All RIP configuration is reset including all interface send and receive policy.

Network Effect:
No network disruption.


All RIP commands are supported by the GWCON, protocol ip, reset ip command.

RIP6 Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Routing Information Protocol for IPV6 (RIP6) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following consideration:

All RIP6 configurations configured for this interface are deleted, too.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

RIP6 supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

IPv6 must be configured for this interface

All RIP6 interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

RIP6 supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

All RIP6 configurations for an interface change dynamically if there is an IPv6 address configured for this interface.

All RIP6 interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

Routing Information Protocol for IPv6 (RIP6) supports the following RIP6-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Protocol RIP6 Reset Interface (or All Interfaces) Command

Dynamically changes the policies or parameters of an RIP6 interface (all RIP6 interfaces.)

Network Effect:
Depending on the configuration changes, it will alter the sending or receiving policies of RIP6 routes on an interface.


All RIP6 commands are supported by the GWCON, protocol RIP6 reset interface (or all interfaces) command.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Immediate Change Commands

RIP6 supports the following CONFIG commands that immediately change the operational state of the device. These changes are saved and are preserved if the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute a dynamically reconfigurable command.

All RIP6 Talk 6 commands are dynamic.

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

All RIP6 configuration parameters can be changed dynamically.

RMON Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

RMON does not support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for RMON. RMON is not configured on a per interface basis.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is not applicable for RMON. RMON is not configured on a per interface basis.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

RMON supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, feature rmon, enable
GWCON, feature rmon, disable

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

The following table describes the RMON configuration commands that cannot be dynamically changed. To activate these commands, you need to reload or restart the device.
CONFIG, feature rmon, enable
CONFIG, feature rmon, disable

SDLC Relay Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

SDLC Relay supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

SDLC Relay supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with no restrictions.

All SDLC Relay interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

SDLC Relay supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with no restrictions.

All SDLC Relay configuration changes are automatically activated except the following:
Commands whose changes are not activated by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command
CONFIG, net, set frame-size
Note:You cannot increase the frame size.

SNMP Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

SNMP supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following consideration:

When the network interface is deleted, all rows in MIB tables indexed by the associated ifIndex will be removed.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

SNMP supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

When the network interface is activated, all rows in MIB tables indexed by the associated ifIndex will be created.

All SNMP interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

When the network interface is reset, all rows in MIB tables indexed by the associated ifIndex will be remain, but the object values may be different.

All Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

SNMP supports the following SNMP-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Protocol SNMP, Reset Command

The SNMP agent activates all changed SNMP configuration values.

Network Effect:
Access to the SNMP agent may be removed or restricted depending on the new configuration.


The following table summarizes the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, protocol SNMP, reset command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, protocol SNMP, reset command
CONFIG, protocol SNMP, add address
CONFIG, protocol SNMP, add community
CONFIG, protocol SNMP, add sub_tree
CONFIG, protocol SNMP, delete address
CONFIG, protocol SNMP, delete community
CONFIG, protocol SNMP, delete sub_tree
CONFIG, protocol SNMP, disable trap
CONFIG, protocol SNMP, disable snmp
CONFIG, protocol SNMP, set community
CONFIG, protocol SNMP, set password
CONFIG, protocol SNMP, set trap_port

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

SNMP supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, protocol SNMP, add address
GWCON, protocol SNMP, add community
GWCON, protocol SNMP, add sub_tree
GWCON, protocol SNMP, delete address
GWCON, protocol SNMP, delete community
GWCON, protocol SNMP, delete sub_tree
GWCON, protocol SNMP, disable trap
GWCON, protocol SNMP, disable snmp
GWCON, protocol SNMP, set community
GWCON, protocol SNMP, set password

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

The following table describes the SNMP configuration commands that cannot be dynamically changed. To activate these commands, you need to reload or restart the device.
CONFIG, protocol SNMP, enable snmp

SuperELAN Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

SuperELAN (SE) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

SuperELAN supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with no restrictions.

All SuperELAN interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

SuperELAN supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with no restrictions.

All SuperELAN interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Command

SuperELAN supports the following SuperELAN-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset command:

GWCON, Net, SE-Services, Work, Restart Command

Stops and restarts the LE Server using static (Talk 6) configuration parameters.

Network Effect:
Communications between ELANs is temporarily suspended until the SuperELAN LE Client interfaces can rejoin their designated LE Server.


All SuperELAN commands are supported by the GWCON, net, se-services, work, restart command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

SuperELAN supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.

All SuperELAN modifications in Talk 5 effect an immediate operational change.

TCP/IP Host Services (HST) Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

TCP/IP Host Services (HST) does not support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for TCP/IP Host Services (HST). TCP/IP Host Services has no interface specific configuration parameters.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is not applicable for TCP/IP Host Services (HST). TCP/IP Host Services has no interface specific configuration parameters.

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

The following table describes the TCP/IP Host Services (HST) configuration commands that cannot be dynamically changed. To activate these commands, you need to reload or restart the device.

Token-Ring Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Token Ring supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following consideration:

When the interface is removed, the source routing record is deleted, and higher number records are renumberd.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Token Ring supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with no restrictions.

All Token Ring interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Token Ring supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

If the maximum packet size has been set higher than the size for user data, the device must be rebooted.

All Token Ring interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

TSF Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

TSF does not support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for TSF. Activating an interface does not affect the Thin Server directly; however, it may impact the connectivity to the client or master file server.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is not applicable for Thin Server feature. Resetting an interface does not affect the Thin Server directly; however, it may impact the connectivity to the client or master file server.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

Thin Server feature supports the following Thin Server feature-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Feature TSF, Restart Command

Restarts the Thin Server.

Network Effect:
Thin client cannot access the Thin Server for files during the restart.


Modifying the type of master file server (rfs versus nfs) is not recommended. Doing so will affect the amount of memory available to be used as the file cache and the restart may fail if insufficient memory is available.

All TSF configuration changes are automatically activated except the following:
Commands whose changes are not activated by the GWCON, feature tsf, restart command
CONFIG, feature tsf, set memory-cache

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

TSF supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, feature tsf, set mode
Note:The mode of the thin server feature is changed.

Non-Dynamically Reconfigurable Commands

The following table describes the TSF configuration commands that cannot be dynamically changed. To activate these commands, you need to reload or restart the device.
CONFIG, feature tsf, set memory-cache
Note:If you are increasing the amount of memory cache specified, then a router restart or reload is required.
CONFIG, feature tsf, set mode
Note:If the Thin Server mode was disabled when the router was restarted or reloaded, then a router restart or reload is required after setting the Thin Server mode to enabled. The Thin Server mode defaults to disabled when the Thin Server package is initially loaded.

V.34 Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

V.34 supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following considerations:

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

V.34 supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

All V.34 interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

V.34 supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with no restrictions.

All V.34 interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Immediate Change Commands

V.34 supports the following CONFIG commands that immediately change the operational state of the device. These changes are saved and are preserved if the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute a dynamically reconfigurable command.
CONFIG, net, set command-delay-timeout
CONFIG, net, set connect-timeout
CONFIG, net, set disconnect-timeout
CONFIG, net, set local-address
CONFIG, net, set mode-leased
CONFIG, net, set mode-switched
CONFIG, net, set modem-init-string
Note:The modem initialization string takes effect the next time the modem is reset or cleared.
CONFIG, net, set retries-no-answer
CONFIG, net, set timeout-no-answer

Voice Feature Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Voice Feature supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Voice Feature does not support the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Voice Feature supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

All Voice Feature parameters except FR-NET can be modified dynamically. Voice Feature parameters are defined once-per-router and apply to all voice interfaces on the router. After a Voice Feature parameter is changed, each voice interface must be manually reset in order for the change to be applied to it.

Voice Interfaces Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Voice Interfaces supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following consideration:

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Voice Interfaces does not support the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Voice Interfaces supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command. All Voice Interface parameters can be modified dynamically.

WAN Restoral and WAN Reroute Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

WAN Restoral and WAN Reroute supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

WAN Restoral and WAN Reroute supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following considerations:

All WAN Restoral and WAN Reroute interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

WAN Restoral and WAN Reroute does not support the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

WAN Restoral and WAN Reroute supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, feature wan, disable alternate-circuit
GWCON, feature wan, disable dial-on-overflow
GWCON, feature wan, disable secondary-circuit
GWCON, feature wan, disable wrs
GWCON, feature wan, enable alternate-circuit
GWCON, feature wan, enable dial-on-overflow
GWCON, feature wan, enable secondary-circuit
GWCON, feature wan, set default
GWCON, feature wan, first-stabilization
GWCON, feature wan, stabilization
GWCON, feature wan, routing-stabilization
GWCON, feature wan, start-time-of-day-revert-back
GWCON, feature wan, stop-time-of-day-revert-back

Web Server Cache Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Web Server Cache does not support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command is not applicable for Web Server Cache. The Web Server Cache is a feature, not an interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

The GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command is not applicable for Web Server Cache. The Web Server Cache is a feature, not an interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

Web Server Cache supports the following Web Server Cache-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Feature WEBC, Activate All Command

This command will read all of the SRAMs for Web Server Cache and make the current runtime environment the same.

Network Effect:
All proxies that were currently active will be terminated (that is, all connections on those proxies will be brought down). If the External Cache Control Manager was running, the device will stop listening for new connections on the current port (that is, the connections to the current port will not go down).


The Web Server Cache must have already been activated (see CONFIG, feature webc, activate).

All Web Server Cache commands are supported by the GWCON, feature webc, activate all command.

GWCON, Feature WEBC, Activate Partition Command

This command will read all of the SRAMs for this partition and make the current run time environment for the partition be the same.

Network Effect:
If the partition being activated already exists, all the proxies on that partition will be terminated (that is, all connections on those proxies will be brought down).


The following table summarizes the Web Server Cache configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, feature webc, activate partition command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature webc, activate partition command
CONFIG, feature webc, add urlmask
CONFIG, feature webc, delete partition
CONFIG, feature webc, delete urlmask
CONFIG, feature webc, modify partition
CONFIG, feature webc, modify proxy
CONFIG, feature webc, modify urlmask

GWCON, Feature WEBC, Activate Proxy Command

This command will read all of the SRAMs for this proxy and make the current run time environment for the proxy be the same.

Network Effect:
If the proxy being activated already exists, it will be terminated first (that is, all the connections on the proxy will be brought down).


The Web Server Cache must already have been activated (see CONFIG, feature webc, activate).

The following table summarizes the Web Server Cache configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, feature webc, activate proxy command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature webc, activate proxy command
CONFIG, feature webc, modify proxy

GWCON, Feature WEBC, Activate External Port Command

This command will read all of the SRAMs for the External Cache Control Manager and make the current runtime environment for the External Cache Control Manager be the same.

Network Effect:
If the External Cache Control Manager was running, the device will stop listening for new connections on the current port (that is, the connections to the current port will not go down).


The Web Server Cache must have already been activated (see CONFIG, feature webc, activate).

The following table summarizes the Web Server Cache configuration changes that are activated when the GWCON, feature webc, activate external port command is invoked:
Commands whose changes are activated by the GWCON, feature webc, activate external port command
CONFIG, feature webc, modify external

CONFIG (Talk 6) Activate Commands

Web Server Cache supports the following CONFIG (Talk 6) activate commands:

CONFIG, Feature WEBC, Activate Command

Dynamically changes the Web Server Cache currently running based on the current SRAM.

Network Effect:
All proxies that were currently active will be terminated (that is, all connections on those proxies will be brought down). If the External Cache Control Manager was running, the device will stop listening for new connections on the current port (that is, the connections to the current port will not go down).


All Web Server Cache commands are supported by the CONFIG, feature webc, activate command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

Web Server Cache supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, feature webc, modify external
Note:This command will change the current run time environment for the External Cache Control Manager. If the External Cache Control Manager was running, the device will stop listening for new connections on the current port (that is, the connections to the current port will not go down).
GWCON, feature webc, delete partition
Note:This command will delete the partition from the current runtime environment.

X.25 Network Interface Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

X.25 network interface supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

X.25 network interface supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following considerations:

All X.25 network interface interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

X.25 network interface supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:

All X.25 network interface configuration changes are automatically activated except the following:
Commands whose changes are not activated by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command
CONFIG, net, set mtu
Note:You cannot increase the mtu size.

X.25 (XTP) Network Interface Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

X.25 network interface does not support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

X.25 network interface does not support the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

X.25 network interface does not support the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.